An Economic Center Focused on Climate Action, Outdoor Recreation

One of Washington County’s largest cities, Beaverton is home to nearly 90,000 residents. The proximity of Nike’s world headquarters, alongside other thriving businesses, makes the city one of Oregon’s principal economic centers. 

Beaverton’s draft Climate Action Plan outlines the city’s efforts to reduce its carbon footprint. Particular attention has been directed at green space and surface water. Proposed actions include expanding tree canopy to cool buildings, spaces and people; and infrastructure planning to protect against flooding, landslides, and wildfire. Along with more than 1,000 other mayors nationally, Mayor Denny Doyle has signed on to the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Climate Protection Agreement

The City of Beaverton is a key partner in many Tree for All projects, including Murrayhill, Beaverton Creek- BTC, and the re-meandering of Fanno Creek. Beaverton is also an active partner with the Tualatin River Watershed Enhancement Council (TWEC) in restoration work across the Cedar Mill-North Johnson area.

In partnership with Friends of Trees, the city hosts tree-planting events on Earth Day, Arbor Day and in conjunction with other celebrations. 2019 marked the city’s 25th year as a Tree City USA and 15th year as a Growth Award recipient. 

Beaverton provides a multitude of outdoor recreation opportunities to residents in partnership with the Tualatin Hills Parks and Recreation District. Notably, the city is a key partner in the Tualatin Hills Nature Park, a treasured community asset.